Monday, January 25, 2016

Driver-less Cars

How a Driver-less Car Sees the Road

Driver assisted cars aren't cutting it. With Driver-less cars, though, the problem of human error can be removed. Advanced sensors, clever programming, and amazing technology is making it possible to create cars that make transportation so much easier. It's still being tested, but it's looking promising so far.

I have two questions for you, though:
  1. Would you be able to take the leap of faith required to put your life in the hands of a machine for something as basic as driving?
  2. How much programming do you think it took to cover all possible bases from a standpoint of the random things that could happen on the road?


  1. The cars could be flawed and no amount of coding could see all variables. The cars would always have a flaw and many people would not be able to make that leap of faith. The space required to keep all this programming safe is also unreasonable and if anyone hacked them, it could be disastrous.

  2. According to the project was started in 2009 and probably took roughly 4 years before they even put one on the road.

  3. I could take that leap of faith. Creators and safety requirements would not let a car on the road that was not up to standard. I would love to have one of these.
