Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Falling too Far From the Tree?

     You may have heard about the ongoing dispute between Apple and the FBI. The FBI has requested that Apple creates a backdoor so that the FBI could gain access to the iPhone of one of the San Bernardino shooters. The thing is, Apple is very apprehensive about doing so – and with good reason, “The FBI has a strong argument: if Apple helps it unlock the iPhone that was recovered, the information obtained could potentially help authorities prevent future attacks. Meanwhile, Apple is afraid that aiding in this case will set a dangerous precedent,” (The FBI’s war with Apple is about to go horribly wrong ). If Apple installs this software on iPhones, what’s to stop any other over eager hacker from being able to access literally any iPhone they wanted? With the skill, they would be able to get in to any phone they were interested in. And that’s just thinking of the independent party. The government itself can’t necessarily be trusted either. The FBI seems to have good intention, saying, “We don't want to break anyone's encryption or set a master key loose on the land," (FBI Fires Back at Apple: 'We Don't Want To Break Anyone's Encryption), but it has been proven time and again that they can’t really be trusted. They will do anything to get their way. We even just recently found out how much the NSA has been spying on us, who’s to say that this will be any different? Also, like the first quote said, what happens when the government wants to do this kind of thing again the next time? Or the next? Or the time after that? I’m not saying we shouldn’t try to get the phone open, but I am saying that we should be careful with how we proceed, and that the suggested fashion with which the government wants to do that isn’t a great idea.

How much authority over issues like this do you think the government should have?

How trustworthy do you think that the government is, especially taking in to consideration the amount of spying they have done in the past?

1 comment:

  1. I don't think the government is very trustful. They keep a lot of stuff from the community to secure our safety, even though we may need to know this stuff. According to Idaho Politics 6 percent of people think the federal government is trust worthy. (
